

Panel Discussion

Race or Reason

Race or Reason

A Letter From The President

Dear Friends,

The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society has made huge contributions to our community over the years, in no small part thanks to your support. In addition to wishing you all happy holidays, we wanted to let you know of some recent changes to our Board of Trustees.

First, we want to thank Joan Kaelin for her many years as President of the Board of Trustees and for all her accomplishments. We would also like to thank the former Board of Trustees for all of their contributions.

In December, four Trustees stepped down from the board: Joan Kaelin, Mike Kaelin, Judy Hester and Joe Varsalona. Elected by the Board at a meeting on Dec. 9 to replace them were, as allowed by the bylaws, Tom Cashin, Michael Foster, Trish Hall and Jangir Sultan. They join existing Trustees Dr. Richard Berman, Mikael Levin, Jon Pokorny and Mollie Wise.

Trish Hall will serve as the new Board President; Michael Foster, as Treasurer; Mikael Levin as Vice President; and Mollie Wise and Jangir Sultan will share secretarial and communication duties.

We will let you know soon about programs for 2025, with the first one likely to be a winter party thanking you all for your support and good will. We are fortunate that Tricia Foley and Jackie Subhash will continue creating the innovative programs for which they are known.

If you’re inspired to make an end-of-the-year contribution, the easiest way to do that is to go to www.bbhsmuseum.com and hit the donate button.

Many thanks.

Trish Hall, President
On behalf of the Board of Trustees.

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